Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources

There are resources to help you, your family, and loved ones stay safe during the coronavirus outbreak, also known as COVID-19.

COVID-19 can be spread from person-to-person through sneezing, coughing, talking, or coming in contact with respiratory droplets that have the virus on them. COVID-19 can be very serious for those who have conditions like asthma, lung and heart disease and HIV and for the elderly.

However, it can also cause serious symptoms in anyone no matter their age or health history. We know that some people with COVID-19 have only had one or two mild symptoms. All people with COVID-19 symptoms should be tested, so watch for symptoms like fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

The virus spreads easily indoors, so avoid public indoor spaces where possible and wear a mask or cloth face covering to prevent its spread.


The most important things you can do to avoid getting yourself and others sick are:

  • Wear a mask or cloth face covering whenever you are in public spaces.
  • Whenever possible, avoid close personal contact with people in public and stay at least six feet apart. Avoid crowded spaces and indoor places.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes
  • If you are sick, stay at home.

Learn More

Download our printable COVID Harm Reduction Resources (Spanish) (Portuguese)

Call the Buprenorphine 24/7 Hotline if you are looking to start buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD):
Call Buprenorphine 24/7 Hotline

Call or text The 988 Lifeline 988 or chat for immediate help with a substance use or mental health crisis. Hablamos español

Call or text The 988 Lifeline

To stay up to date with the latest information, visit the Rhode Island Department of Health or call RIDOH’s COVID-19 Info Line at 401-222-8022.

Learn about Safer Drug Use Practices.

What can you do to use drugs safely right now?

You can still get the supplies that you need like naloxone, sterile syringes, and fentanyl test strips anywhere in the state. It is important to use your own supplies when using drugs because of how easy it is to spread COVID. Call or text for free delivery to your house, or to arrange a pickup.


To use drugs safely during this time:

  • Have someone check in with you by phone or text before and after you use.
  • Test your drugs using fentanyl test strips as drug batches are always changing.
  • Try using a small amount at first and going slowly.
  • Have naloxone nearby and call 911 if you see someone overdosing.
  • To use safely with someone else, make sure you are both wearing masks or a cloth facing covering and staying six feet apart.


Rhode Island Communities for Addiction Recovery Efforts (RICARES)



RICARES is doing statewide Narcan®/naloxone and fentanyl test strip delivery. You can text 401-680-0198 in advance for pick up any day.


Monday through Friday, 10am to 3pm


134 Mathewson Street, Providence, RI 02903

Contact us

Project Weber/RENEW



Project Weber/RENEW are open for drop-in naloxone distribution, as well as needle exchange, fentanyl test strips, condoms, and other basic needs. You can contact this service at 401-383-4888.


Monday through Friday, 10am to 4pm


640 Broad Street, Providence, RI 02907

Contact us

AIDS Care Ocean State (ACOS)/Education, Needle Exchange, Counseling, Outreach, and Referral (ENCORE)



ACOS/ENCORE are open for drop-in services for naloxone, needle exchange, safe sex packets, fentanyl test strip kits, and HIV/Hepatitis C testing. There is also free, statewide delivery services available Monday through Friday from 10am to 1pm. You can contact ACOS/ENCORE at 401-781-0665.


Monday through Friday, 10am to 1pm; Tuesday through Thursday, 6pm to 8pm


557 Broad Street, Providence, RI 02907

Contact us

East Bay Recovery Center



East Bay Recovery Center is open for drop-in Narcan®/naloxone distribution services. Both intramuscular and nasal kits are available and free of charge to the public. Naloxone box available outside when closed. You can contact us at 401-289-2055


Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9am to 5pm

Tuesday, Thursday: 11am to 7 pm.


31 Railroad Ave Warren, RI 02885

Contact us

Can I still get Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)?


There are changes that mean it might be easier for you to receive MOUD. You can now qualify for buprenorphine over the phone or in person.


You can still get your Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) such as methadone and buprenorphine. To stay safe, MOUD providers may have changed how they give out medication, such as changing hours, or staggering when people can come in. You may also be able to increase the amount of methadone you can take home.


24/7 Buprenorphine Hotline



The Buprenorphine Hotline (401-606-5456) offers 24-hour telehealth service for people who want to start buprenorphine treatment. This hotline is for new buprenorphine prescriptions only. If you are currently being prescribed buprenorphine, you should keep following up with your current buprenorphine prescriber for ongoing treatment.

Rhode Island’s buprenorphine hotline has been made possible by a partnership with Brown Emergency Medicine, Lifespan Recovery Center, and the Rhode Island Hospital Center for Primary Care Recovery Clinic.


By telephone

Contact our 24/7 hotline

CODAC Behavioral Healthcare



CODAC Behavioral Healthcare is providing buprenorphine and methadone services. They are also providing dropoff services during this time. You can contact us at 401-490-0716


Multiple locations in Rhode Island

Contact us

BH Link



BH Link offers Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD). Call the 24/7 Hotline at 988 or visit the BH Link Triage Center.


975 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914

Call or text The 988 Lifeline

East Bay Recovery Center



East Bay Recovery is offering buprenorphine induction over the phone or in person. Please call ahead for more information: 401-246-1195


Multiple locations in Rhode Island

Contact us

Who can you call for mental health and substance use support?


These times may be very difficult and stressful. We have resources that can help you.


Behavioral Health Link (BH Link) provides assistance and resources for individuals experiencing a behavioral healthcare crisis. Call the 24/7 Hotline at 988 or visit the BH Link Triage Center for immediate help with a substance use or mental health crisis.
Call 988

Kids’ Link RI is a 24/7 Hotline for parents and caregivers to get information on behavioral health services for children in emotional crisis. Call 1-855-543-5465 to learn about options for treatment and counseling in Rhode Island.
Contact Kids’ Link RI

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides a Disaster Distress Helpline with multilingual, confidential crisis support services available to all US and US territory residents. Call the Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.

SAMHSA has also compiled a list of guidance and resources to assist individuals, providers, and communities affected by the current COVID-19 situation.

Contact us Text TalkWithUs

Where can you get recovery support?


You can still get help from Certified Peer Recovery Specialists. The following call lines are available from 8:00am to 8:00pm


Anchor Recovery Community Center:

Serving those in the Providence, Pawtucket, and Warwick areas. Learn about daily meetings.

Contact us
East Bay Recovery Community Center

Serving those in the Warren area. Also offering full-time drop-in naloxone distribution.

Contact us Contáctenos
PSN Hope Recovery Community Center:

There is always hope.

Serving in the Westerly and Newport areas:

Westerly Newport
Community Care Alliance Serenity Center:

Serving those in the Woonsocket area. Please call 401-808-4810 for more info.


Contact us


Finding a recovery community right now may be difficult. But, some organizations are offering online recovery support.


Below, you can find recovery resources, like podcasts, blogs, and social media apps as well as virtual recovery meetings happening every day.


SAMHSA Virtual Recovery Resources

SAMHSA has compiled a list of virtual resources which describes resources that can be used to virtually support recovery from mental/substance use disorders . It also provides resources to help local recovery programs create virtual meetings.


In The Rooms

In The Rooms is a global recovery community, offers access to daily recovery support meetings including 12-Step Fellowships, SMART Recovery, Recovery Dharma, and many others.


Unity Recovery

Unity Recovery offer free virtual recovery meetings using a Zoom platform five times a day.


Tips for staying connected

The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation shares tips for staying connected and safeguarding your recovery, with online support meetings, podcasts/blogs, mobile apps, social media groups, and movie/video suggestions.


How I’m Coping with COVID-19

How I’m Coping with COVID-19 and Social Isolation as a Person in Long-Term Recovery offers first-hand tips from a person in long-term recovery.

More Resources

COVID Harm Reduction Resources

We have created a harm reduction resource list that you can print and distribute.
Download PDF

Safer Drug Use Practices

There are specific actions that you can take to help you use drugs more safely – including resources in the community that you can get access to, as well as general suggestions to prevent overdose and infection
Download PDF

Coping with Stress

It is normal for anyone, including teens, to feel stressed by COVID-19. These are tips for coping with that stress.
Download PDF