Jurisdictional Plan

We are developing a jurisdictional plan for neighborhoods in Rhode Island to reduce their risk of HIV and hepatitis C outbreaks among people who inject drugs.

By using different data sources at the neighborhood-level, we can help communities find gaps in their resources and opportunities for growth.

What are our goals?

  • Find neighborhoods in RI that are at high risk for HIV and hepatitis C in communities of people who inject drugs.
  • Share our findings with the community.
  • Create a jurisdictional plan that will address gaps in resources for drug user health.
  • Use the jurisdictional plan to help communities in RI address these gaps.

What are we going to produce?

  • A vulnerability assessment to identify communities in Rhode Island at risk for an HIV/hepatitis C outbreak among people who inject drugs.
  • A scientific paper that discusses the process and findings of the vulnerability assessment.
  • A user friendly dashboard on PORI that will provide specific guidelines communities in Rhode Island.
  • A best practices report for improving access to resources for people who inject drugs.

Who is funding this project?

  • The Vulnerability Assessment and Jurisdictional Plan are funded by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC-RFA-TP18-1802)

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